Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Graduation=Bored to death...didn't see that coming!

So.... I truly can't begin to express my excitement when my graduation from college finally arrived! I never thought the day would come that I would never again would have to think of or be burdened by homework!! The freedom was something I couldn't even begin to fathom and it was with in my reach! So the day finally arrived that I graduated from college with a Bachelors in Horticulture emphasis in floral design! Now don't get me wrong...not having homework is truly wonderful but when all I have to do every week is work full time I sure do get bored and thus the reason I am going to try and start blogging more! Yay! Along with blogging I think I need some hobbies so if anyone has anything that they love to do I am open for suggestions!
Just celebrating my graduation with a cheesy thumbs up!

My absolutely phenomenal husband! Man I love that kid!
Oh just the parents who gave me the brains to make it through college! lol thanks for the support all those years!

And my wonderful sister...her and her lovely family were able to come to my graduation because they live in Rexburg! I was so thankful they were there for me! Dana and Lauren we missed you guys!

1 comment:

  1. NEWSFLASH.... Miss Emily is so smart! I'm very proud of you kido. Happy Graduation!!
    I think you should spend some time thinking about your little house that you will have to set back up sooner than you can imagine. It would be a great time to make some decorating plans, I'm sure Noelle would have fun helping.
